Picture Details
Each picture on your phone contains a lot of interesting information about when, how and, if you enabled it, where it was taken. The Picture Details app will integrate into your phone’s picture viewer so you easily can view that information, you just select “apps…” and “Picture Details”.
Picture Details will show you the following information (if it is available):
- Image type
- Color space
- Bit depth
- Resolution in mega pixels.
- Approximate file size.
- Date and time when the picture was taken.
- Possible title, comments, name of author and copyright information.
- GPS Measure Mode
- Latitude and longitude
- Altitude
- Address including postal code, city and country.
- Make and model of camera.
- Focal length
- Exposure program
- Measure method
- ISO speed
- Aperture
- Exposure time
- Flash information
- Digital zoom ratio
Picture Details will also pinpoint the location on it’s built in map.
Updates in version 1.4.0
- The app is now available in three editions, one Windows Phone 7, one Windows Phone 8 and one Windows Phone 8.1 specific edition.
- Supports high resolution jpeg images available on some phones, mostly Lumias. (Requires WP 8.1 and not available in the evaluation version of the app.)
- Improved performance in certain situations where the phone contains a large number of images. (Requires WP 8.1.)
- Shows weekday and week number.
- Now displays the digital zoom ratio.
Updates in version 1.3.2
- Now displays the details pane directly when a picture is opened via “apps...” and “Picture Details” in the phone’s picture viewer.
- Fixed an issue with the number of colors in a GIF image palette not being shown.
Updates in version 1.3.1
- Now displays DPI (or DPCM).
- Removed nonfunctional search for GPS coordinates when opening up the Windows Phone 8 map application. Instead the map is centered on the picture's coordinates. (WP8)
- Fixed some minor spelling errors.
- Internal code restructuring.
Updates in version 1.3.0
- Full support for Windows Phone 8 including fix for the issue with metadata not being displayed when picture was selected from within the app.
- Using Windows Phone 8’s new maps and geolocation APIs.
- Added display of picture’s file name.
Updates in version 1.2.0
- Added optional display of extended information in three categories; Picture in general, Location and Camera. (The trial version can only activate one of these categories at a time.)
- Shows image type (always JPEG on a Window Phone 7 device).
- Shows color space (almost always sRGB).
- Shows bit depth.
- Shows GPS Measure Mode, two- or three-dimensional.
- Shows GPS DOP (an indication on how exact the position is, lower is better).
- Shows exposure program.
- Split flash information in two items.
- Reduced memory usage even further.
- In “non-metric” countries the altitude was displayed in feet but the unit still indicated meters. Fixed!
- Sometimes old data from one picture could show up for the next picture if that picture did not have any data of that category. Fixed!
Updates in version 1.1.0
- Reduced memory usage
- Improved picture loading speed
- Shows altitude
- Shows ISO speed
- Shows measure method
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